ClinEdAus - Saving My Reflections/Quizzes
By creating your profile on this website (top right hand corner of page) you have the option of saving reflections and completing an on line learning module.
Reflection Activities
Throughout the ClinEdAus website there are 'Reflection Activities' that can be completed after working through the page content for that section. Once you have set up your profile and logged into the website, you have the option of saving your reflections from these activities by clicking on the 'My Reflections' button at the bottom each page.
Online learning module - Core Clinical Education Skills - Assessment and Facilitating Learning
Once you have set up your profile and logged into the website, you will also have the option to complete an online module on Core Clinical Education Skills which is in the format of a multichoice quiz. Click on the links for the learning module, and follow the instructions to commence.