Clinical education is a rewarding aspect of clinical practice but there are some additional challenges and considerations when providing a quality placement in a rural and remote setting.
Sarah Jackson, Physiotherapist and North West Community Rehab Project Manager at the Mount Isa Centre for Rural and Remote Health (MICRRH) is an experienced Clinical Educator. In this video Sarah shares some tips when hosting students in a rural and remote setting.
The Siggins Miller report “Promoting quality in clinical placements: literature review and national stakeholder consultation” (Health Workforce Australia, December 2012) identified enablers for rural and remote placements. The enablers were:
- a considered and appropriate structure of placement that is supported in the rural and remote setting
- well prepared students and good orientation to the placement
- practical support for students
- access to technology
- interprofessional collaboration
- a positive relationship between the Clinical Educator and the student
- support for the Clinical Educators
These identified enablers have been used as a framework for further information and practical resources for Clinical Educators. There are resources for Clinical Educators and resources that a Clinical Educator can give to their students to help prepare them for a rural or remote placement.
Siggins Miller Consultants (2012). Promoting Quality in Clinical Placements: Literature review and national stakeholder consultation. Health Workforce Australia, Adelaide.
Rural and Remote Topics
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