Learning Objectives
- Build an understanding of core competencies recommended for working with older people with mental health conditions
- Be able to apply learning to a practical example
The Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People (SMHSOP) Core Competencies for beginning community clinicians were developed and disseminated to community teams in 2009 (NSW Health, 2011). A training program funded by the Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Office (MHDAO) was developed and delivered in 2011 to support implementation of the core competencies for beginning community clinicians. The resource booklet aims to guide beginning SMHSOP clinicians through professional development processes and clinical supervision.
Reflection Activity
Select one of the core competencies outlined in the SMHSOP document e.g. ‘The clinician is able to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the older person that identifies the reason for their contact with services, identifies key risk issues, facilitates an understanding of the person’s background and allows initial care planning and implementation sufficiently to allow a preliminary formulation’ and describe how you are working on this competency with a particular client.
Core Competencies and Measurement Criteria for Beginning Clinicians in Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People (SMHSOP). Retrieved from NSW Health: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/resources/Documents/core-competencies-smhsop.pdf